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Hotel Management
for small hotel units

Welcome to the hotel management of Kostas Falangas Hotel & Tourism Consulting, a new hotel management service exclusively for small hotels. Our company is fully focused on the result that the small capacity hotelier wishes to achieve in the midst of intense competition.
Our goal is to act as a driver for achieving sustainable financial and quality results.
Our team consists of members of Hoteliers who fully understand the needs of the Greek Hotelier.

Hotel Management Services

  • financial management
    review of operating financial data of 4 previous years (excl. 2020 and 2021)
    control and analysis of all cost centers and setting of indexes
    current and next year's operating and cash flow budget
    management and capex budget (minimum fixed investments)

  • hotel management
    recording, redesigning, organizing and creating standards, policies, instructions, organizational chart, manual
    precise definition of requirements - mission with training of duty assistants
    document review (customer satisfaction metrics, statistics, quality data, etc.)
    monitoring and development of computerization and creation of dynamic reporting
    complete organization of human resources, training, monitoring
    scope of application the entire hotel operation (room division, f&b, etc.)

  • marketing & sales
    setting of analytical marketing plan to define short-medium-long-term goals
    online strategy and sales contracting
    establishment of quality indicators
    redesign and modernization of hotel corporate identity
    development and upgrading of non-room revenue sources
    hotel promotion setup

  • purchases and maintenance
    creation of maintenance machinery register, maintenance categories (preventive, etc.)
    organization of all storage and maintenance materials
    negotiation of prices of raw materials and other purchases
    equipment performance measurement

  • energy and environment
    detailed recording of energy consumption and energy saving planning
    finding possible certifications and planning sustainability and operations for energy and the environment

  • development
    planning the hotel product for the future, differentiation and new markets, upgrading

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